a dual approach to culture change

Is a top down or bottom up approach more effective for lasting workplace culture change?

In our experience: a combination of both is what actually transforms workplaces.

Without both principled leadership from the top, and employee involvement from the bottom, culture change is ineffective.


In the white paper

  1. Why you have to look beyond what you see when it comes to workplace culture

  2. What creates toxic workplaces, and why culture change matters for the bottom line

  3. How each approach, when used singularly, falls short

  4. The critical features of top-down and bottom-up culture change that make each effective

  5. The 5 action steps you can take to implement a dual approach to culture change

  6. BONUS: a checklist for successful, human-centered leaders


the key to avoiding high attrition rates

culture change that involves and impacts every level on your org chart

The Call for Culture Method includes six distinct phases that activates organization-wide participation.

Those increased margins you’ve been looking for have been sitting in your employee’s hands all along–not to mention the shattered sales records, the long-standing respect, and the five star reviews on Glassdoor.

download the white paper


Join us at Culture Impact Lab 2024

Together we’ll align, mobilize, and transform organizations into human-centered workplaces that create social impact.

Organizations are struggling to keep up with changing workplace requirements, and we think that’s due to an antiquated way of approaching work culture that leaves out...well, culture.

Call for Culture is convening a diverse and interdisciplinary community of conscious leaders and culture champions from across the nation to intentionally blur the lines (and the conversation) between workplace culture and culture in the world at large.

Designed around the Call for Culture Method™, Culture Impact Lab isn’t a conference — it’s an accelerator for culture change that will transform your workplace to positively impact your community.