Register for our 2024 culture conference!

Register for our 2024 culture conference!

If it’s happening in the world, it’s happening at work.

Culture Impact Lab | A Call for Culture Experience

Chicago, IL | May 15 – 16, 2024

Call for Culture is convening a diverse and interdisciplinary community of conscious leaders and culture champions nationwide to intentionally blur the lines (and the conversation) between workplace culture and culture in the world at large.

 Our call to action? To do workplace culture differently.



May 15, 2024: 9:00a-5:00p

May 16, 2024: 9:00a-5:00p

Venue: The Arbory Chicago

2219 W Grand Ave, Chicago, IL 60612

HOTEL: Hyatt Place Wicker Park

(our room block is full, but check out THESE recommendations)

1551 West North Avenue / Ashland, Chicago, Illinois, 60622



5% of registration fees will go to one of these three causes, All of which local to the Chicago-land area, run by women, and in support of historically marginalized communities in the Chicagoland area.

You can expect everything typical cultural conferences aren't


Human-first Details

Tech-supported Logistics

Individualized Support

Thoughtful Facilitation

The traditional culture conference model has come to accept the status quo. We’re changing that.


Lack of diversity in topics and speakers

Mindsharing opportunities across disciplines to gain wider and deeper perspective.


Forced networking

Revitalization sessions and design centered on humans — not presentations — so you can stay alert and energized for the entire experience and organically connect.


Stale ballroom sessions

Community centered venue that offers an inspiring immersion far from your typical hotel or conference center.


Listening to lectures

Diverse and varied in-person and digital interactive touch points that begin the minute you sign up. Join a community and do the work that will change the world, with support from leading experts who will guide your lab sessions.


and positively impact your community

The Culture Impact Lab is designed around the Call for Culture Method™. Each step is a building block that will equip you with a CULTURE VISION AND BLUEPRINT TO BEGIN IMPLEMENTING right away.

  • You’ll start taking stock and learning your organization’s story, history, values, needs and internal culture BEFORE convening. This allows for a shared experience that’s personalized and brings a strong sense of intention, belonging, and connection around the work and how you’ll use your time in The Lab. We’ll invite you to view your role and the role workplace culture has in the social impact conversation.

  • You’ll build a draft 6 month communications plan. Inclusive and conscious communications sets the tone for change. You’ll learn how to articulate your vision, invite diverse voices into the conversation, encourage engagement. You’ll hear from experts on concepts that blur the lines between how we process the world around us and how that shows up when it comes to change within our organizations.

  • You’ll begin creating an identified and aligned culture ethos ready to socialize with your team and “bake” into the most sustainable parts of your operating model. You’ll hear from experts on concepts that center on the power of purpose, the science behind collective behavior change, and an anthropological approach to norms, rituals, social learning, and leadership.

  • Internal data such as past survey responses, departmental strategies, decision-making protocols, and org charts are important to assess and honor legacy and history while shaping the future. Learn about the latest innovation in data science that can help you shape a fit-for-purpose listening strategy to begin determining the future state of culture at your organization. Learn about broader contextual data and systemic trends that will impact how you directionally begin to develop your plan.

  • Depending on the track you choose, you’ll walk away with either a Blueprint or a Business Case to take back and begin to rally everyone in your organization, at all levels.

  • Our time together won’t end in The Lab. You’ll leave with a newly found community and a Call for Culture coach (up to 2 free sessions in 2024) to help you through the first 3 months of your implementation plan. Together, we’ll identify next steps for your organization. You’ll report on progress via a scorecard focused on culture discovery, change and sustainability and utilize your new community on conscious leaders.


Re-imagine the role of organizations in social change.

Here’s what to expect

It’s not a conference. It’s an accelerator on culture change.

  • Ensures your time and energy is spent on relevant content.

    Pick the track that best aligns with your goals, and dive into a personalized experience that allows you the flexibility to interact with others across tracks.


    Build a business case introducing or advocating for intentionally building a positive and conscious culture at your organization

    This might be a good track if you’re not formally leading a culture initiative at your organization, but you’d like to OR you’d like to see this as a priority. You’re looking to build a compelling business case around why your organization needs to address culture and culture change.


    Build a Culture Blueprint/Vision to accelerate this as a priority within your organization.

    This track is best for conscious executive leaders, founders, and executive directors that know culture is a prioritization within their organization but don’t know where to start.

  • Don’t worry about collecting business cards or swapping social media handles. The Culture Impact Lab includes three ways to benefit from facilitated connections so you can connect with leaders from across the nation and a wide range of industries, sectors, levels, and expertise

    1) You’ll be placed in a pre-selected networking group based on your focus, industry, and/or connection requests.

    2) You’ll have time to network with all attendees in a larger setting.

    3) A directory of all attendees (who agree to share their info) and their contact information will be available to you following the event.

  • Receive guided support around chartering a path for positive culture change within your organization — both from the Call for Culture team, and the experts you’ll be hearing from on stage.

    In addition to talks and panels, each day of the conference will include guided working sessions, in which the Call for Culture team and selected culture impact facilitators will support you and an intimate group of peers.

  • The Culture Impact Lab will be a tech-supported experience, including a digital portal to house the program, workbook, resources, attendee directory, and more. You’ll be able to ask questions and contribute insights in the portal, and will have access to the community for one year following the conference.

  • Doing culture work requires a lot from a person, which is why we’ve scheduled nourishment and revitalizing activities throughout each day, so you can recharge, process, and take a break without worrying if you’ll miss something important.

    Think: guided mindfulness and grounding exercises and nutritious meals.

  • Built into the design of the conference ensures that you not only have an opportunity to integrate what you’re learning, but also get to actively participate in solving problems for your organization. Each day of the conference will include three (3) integration sessions between both tracks.

  • From a guide to Chicagoland for the spouse, children, and/or family that’s tagging along, to a bench of inspiring individuals (hosts, speakers, facilitators, and more) who have been recruited to ensure your experience, we like to think we’ve thought of everything.






The Culture Impact Lab experience begins one month prior to the 2-day immersion, and continues with 3 months of support following the event


3 months of 1:1 support with the CFC team (1 call per month for 3 months) to support with the tactical implementation of your culture blueprint

Live community call with the CFC team to close loops and discuss the sustainability of your culture transformation work


Guided pre-work to come ready to the Culture Impact Lab

Support with Assessment: collecting data from your organization that you’ll use at the event

Live community call with the CFC team to make sure you’re prepared to get the most out of the Lab

AGENDA DAY 1 (5/15/2024)

  • For those staying at the Hyatt Place in Wicker Park, grab your free breakfast or grab breakfast in Westtown before heading to the venue.

    There are several options for transportation to the venue.

    You may opt to be placed in a curated walking group, for extra time to connect with other attendees.

    Of course, you are also welcome to rideshare, take public transportation, or walk solo.

  • Start each day one on one with poet, Zoe Branch and her 1931 Remington Noiseless typewriter for a personalized and bespoke experience transforming your words to power and intention into action and movement.

    You’ll spend time checking in, settling in and grabbing your program materials.

    Enjoy coffee and espresso provided by our in-kind local sponsors - Brewpoint.

  • Call for Culture: Re-imagining the Role of Organizations in Social Change

    Angela R Howard, CEO Call for Culture

    Angela, founder of Call for Culture, will set the tone for the next two days, and bring a sense of focus and action around the 2 days.

    You’ll hear an overview of the Call for Culture Method, and how the next 2 days will serve as both a collective and personalized experience. You’ll receive an overview of the format of the 2 days and learn the significance of the Table Guides in helping you apply and implement each step of the Method.

    Together, we’ll take a moment to pause, ground, and connect back with your body.

    We’ll set in intention, giving us the ability to move from intent to action. This moment of transition and grounding will help you be fully present and committed.

    Facilitator: Raymond Achille, CEO at Balance Period

  • Surface Level Challenges Create Surface Level Solutions: Using the Power of Data to Polish Your Lab Challenge Statement

    Aparna Rae, Founder at Moving Beyond

    Rob Hadley, Founder and Principal Consultant, Tekano Strategy & Analytics

    At your first table assignment, you’ll meet with fellow participants in community and deepen connections and opportunities for collaboration over the next 2 days.

    This is also a data collection opportunity. You’ll learn and understand why others are there and the challenges they are facing around workplace culture within their organizations.

    If we begin with surface level challenges, we will create surface level solutions. Often, the first hurdle that organizations encounter around culture change is a lack of awareness or misunderstanding of the underlying issues contributing to the need to shift culture. Using the Lab Challenge Statement participants will come equipped with, Aparna and Rob will guide and challenge participants through translating data into action by polishing and evolving their Lab Challenge Statements to more accurately identify what needs to be solved over the next 2 days and beyond. Leave this session on firmer ground where you started to fully participate in a valuable Lab experience!

  • The Colour Of Culture: What Culture Eats Other Than Strategy for Breakfast

    Brad Kewalramni, Founder & Managing Director, Culture Mindful

    Traditionally, the business case for focusing on culture at work has been focused on outcomes like better organizational performance & productivity. But what if the case is even larger and more pressing than we originally thought? Brad shares a thoughtful perspective and will introduce the history of organizational culture over the years and how workplace culture has now entered adjacent arenas previously not anticipated.

    Illuminating a case for cultivating healthier and more positive workplace cultures as not only crucial for creating high performing organizations, but also having a equally important hand in the domain of mental health and well-being.

  • Spend time taking a nourishing brain space break or taking time to connect with others and apply what you’ve learned.

  • Relationships at the Center: An Anthropological Approach to Culture and Community

    Aaron Christopher Delgaty, PhD, Practice Leader of Experience Research at The Starr Conspiracy

    Let's get back to basics! In order to understand how to impact organizational culture, we have to more deeply and intimately understand that culture within organizations mimics how culture is formed at the most basic human level. It comes down to the idea of relationships - with one person, with a group of people, with a community of people. HOW we view relationships is at the center of how culture is shaped within an organization or any other community. Aaron will introduce concepts of cultural anthropology - which is rarely explored in a historically sterilized lens of business or corporate culture. We'll examine the basic building blocks of resilient working relationships: stability, reciprocity, purpose, and hope and discuss what researchers and culture leaders can do to better understand and impact these relationships.

  • The Power of Play: Inviting People Into Brave and Change-Ready Spaces

    Gary Ware, Founder at Breakthrough Play

    If people are just social animals looking to relate to each other - what makes relationships strained or thriving and successful? What unleashes creativity and innovation? What drives positive feelings about change? The focus for this segment with Gary will challenge us to begin to think about one of the most organic ways humans relate and connect to each other - through play. In addition to sparking creativity, joy, and relaxation, play creates pro-social and pro-change brains—people work more easily with one another once they’ve worked through a fun challenge or even a broader organization change together. By creating an environment which fosters safety, employee creativity and dynamic brainstorming, you'll learn about the joyous aftershocks from leveraging this very human and effective strategy to inviting people to be a part of change by reimagining something different.

  • Lab session, focused on the first phase of the Call for Culture Method: Invitation.

    Developing Your Persona Map

    Angela R. Howard, CEO at Call for Culture

    When you're looking to embark on any kind of culture change you must INVITE members of the community to participate, or else it becomes an exercise for leadership only. With guidance from Table Guides, participants will begin developing:

    A Persona Map - understanding key collaborators across the organization/community and further understanding what their motivations and involvement might be with contributing to your Problem Statement.

  • Break for lunch

  • Leveraging Culture Champions - A Culture Case Study with Sitecore (Industry: Tech)

    Kristen Barton, Lead Consultant at Call for Culture

    Boi-Yeanoh Adams, Director of Strategic HR Projects at Sitecore

    Before jumping back into your first Lab segment, hear from members of the Call for Culture team about how CFC worked with their client, Sitecore, to apply key concepts to build an inclusive and multi-layered collaborator plan to create enrollment, buy-in, and active participation around their culture evolution strategy Participants will make connections between the expert talks and how these concepts can be lived out into strategy and action within their organization.

  • Lab session, focused on the first phase of the Call for Culture Method: Invitation.

    Developing a Culture Committee

    Bhavik Shah, Lead Consultant at Call for Culture

    When you're looking to embark on any kind of culture change you must INVITE members of the community to participate, or else it becomes an exercise for leadership only. With guidance from Table Guides, participants will continue developing:

    A Persona Map - understanding key collaborators across the organization/community and further understanding what their motivations and involvement might be with contributing to your Problem Statement.

    And begin developing:

    Culture Committee Group: beginning to assemble a representative group of the organization to serve as a sounding board.

  • Tale of Two Realities: A Dual Approach to Culture Change (Panel)

    (Moderator) Dr. Donte Vaughn, Founder & President, Lightpoint Advisors

    Benjamin Tanen, Director of Development, Brewpoint Coffee

    Melissa Villanueva, CEO/Founder, Brewpoint Coffee

    Paul Wolfe, Human First Leadership Advocate

    Cynthia Oliver, Organizational Psychologist

    The Culture Impact Lab is a real life role model of what we want to emulate in organizations - meeting of the minds across different levels and layers across the organization. Join us in discussion with a panel of experts to debunk the myth that formal leaders within an organization have the ultimate key to purpose-driven and positive culture shifts within organizations. We'll discuss, through experience, application, and case study how as organizations grow and become more complex - formal leaders can become MORE disconnected to what is actually playing out in the day to day with their people. Participants will learn:

    1. how the empathy gap between leadership and team members widens as organizations grow and become more complex

    2. why, without principled leadership from the top and employee involvement from the bottom, culture change is ineffective.

    3. the critical features of top-down and bottom-up culture change that make each effective

    We'll also hear from a real-life example of a values based organization (Brewpoint) and how they implemented a dual approach to building culture with their employees and the community locally in the Chicago-land area.

    Read the whitepaper HERE.

  • Spend time taking a nourishing brain space break or taking time to connect with others and apply what you’ve learned.

  • Communicate Like You Give A Damn: The Role and Responsibility of Communications in DEI and Culture Work

    Kim Clark, DEI Communications Speaker and Consultant, Kim Clark Communications, Inc.

    This talk is an exploration of how our relationships with each other, our environment, and our cultures can shape our world and define a better future.

    A clear understanding of your current and desired culture – the behaviors, beliefs, drivers, and values– is a critical step toward creating your organization’s future and ensuring success. Connection and storytelling are crucial and important parts of the human experience. But what happens when you're working through culture change that requires tough conversations and people to lean in further into territory that feels scary or outside the realm of comfort? This segment is focused on exploring the importance of communicators, communications, and story-telling in all culture change - using an example that requires a deep focus on the connection between language and behavior (Diversity, Representation, Inclusion, Equity, and Belonging).

  • Experience the Experience: Presence, Awareness and the Art of Connection

    Adamo Gumowski, Co-Founder/Director, STUTTIO

    Communication and connection is not just about emails, Town Halls, and intranet sites. The way we connect and communicate as humans spill into our lived environments. In a world of hybrid and remote working, how is the ethos of messaging and communication changing? Adamo will share his education and background of Architecture, Design, and Creative Development to shift this conversation from tech stacks and return to office to a broader conversation around how environment shapes connection and our understanding of the world around us. We'll explore how our relationships with each other, our environment, and our cultures can shape our workplaces and world to define a better future.

  • Leading Social Change Through Strategic Communication

    Theon Hill, Associate Professor of Communications at Wheaton College

    When we think about organizational change, we typically don't equate it to the world of politics, but organizations and places of work CAN be political. In this interactive workshop, you'll learn how to drive organizational and social change through effective strategic communication.

    We will cover best practices for assessing social issues, determining needed changes, crafting strategic messaging, engaging stakeholders at all levels, and measuring impact.

    Join us for an inspiring session focused on social change models powered by strategic communication. We’ll position you to lead activists, motivate donors/stakeholders, and work effectively with policy makers to drive real social impact.

  • Lab session, focused on the second phase of the Call for Culture Method: Messaging

    Developing a Conscious and Inclusive Communications Plan

    Angela R Howard, CEO Call for Culture

    It's time to get in The Lab! This lab will be focused on developing core messaging and mapping out the first 3-6 months of communications and messaging tactics that effectively story-tell around the change ahead. With guidance from Table Guides, participants will develop:

    1. Core Messaging

    2. 3 months of upcoming communication tactics using an array of channels and modalities

  • Let's wind things down! Hear from the Founder and CEO at Call for Culture and our collective call to action and what to expect later in the evening and on day 2.

    There are several options for transportation.

    You may opt to be placed in a curated walking group, for extra time to connect with other attendees.

    Of course, you are also welcome to rideshare, take public transportation, or walk solo.

  • TBD - more information to come

AGENDA DAY 2 (5/16/2024)

  • For those staying at the Hyatt Place in Wicker Park, grab your free breakfast or grab breakfast in Westtown before heading to the venue.

    There are several options for transportation to the venue.

    You may opt to be placed in a curated walking group, for extra time to connect with other attendees.

    Of course, you are also welcome to rideshare, take public transportation, or walk solo.

  • Start each day one on one with poet, Zoe Branch and her 1931 Remington Noiseless typewriter for a personalized and bespoke experience transforming your words to power and intention into action and movement.

    You’ll spend time checking in, settling in and grabbing your program materials.

    Enjoy coffee and espresso provided by our in-kind local sponsors - Brewpoint.

  • RK EMPATHY PRESENTS: What's Our Responsibility to Rehabilitate Former Prisoners?

    Payal Beri, Founder of RK Empathy | Organizational Psychologist | Social Impact Speaker

    You’ll be the first to experience RK Empathy’s RK Impact program: a series of sensory, museum-like installations focused on social impact issues.

    The RK Impact initiative is based on the idea that ESG programs, sensitivity trainings, and corporate responsibility focuses fall short, because they’re focused on sharing of information rather than experiential learning. By incorporated lived experiences into the structure of corporate responsibility initiatives, leaders and consumers alike are able to have more empathy towards these issues and take impactful action, increasing the efficacy of these programs.

    This pilot installation will activate all five of your senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch) via three interactive displays. You’ll experience compassion for self, empathy for others, and accountability for all: the three pillars that make up RK Empathy’s unique approach to shifting perspective, and equipping changemakers with the emotional intelligence to engage in action surrounding collective cultural issues.

    After making your way through the installation, you’ll not only have experienced sensations that mimic those experienced by detained individuals in our prison system, but will also have been education on the key factors that impact our prison system, the organizations leading change efforts, and the various perspectives of key roles in the prison dynamic.

    You’ll be left with prompts allowing you to consider what an organization’s role is in supporting prison reform, and which actions your organization might be able to take to assume responsibility in addressing this issue

  • Call for Culture: Re-imagining the Role of Organizations in Social Change

    Angela R Howard, CEO Call for Culture

    Take a moment to reflect on the day prior and share collective insights and action.

    Together, we’ll take a moment to pause, ground, and connect back with your body.

    We’ll set in intention, giving us the ability to move from intent to action. This moment of transition and grounding will help you be fully present and committed.

    Facilitator: Raymond Achille, CEO at Balance Period

  • Avoiding Burnout as a Changemakers: How Prioritizing Yourself Creates Space to Help Others

    Nina Nesdoly , Consultant, Workplace Clarity

    Let's talk about the big, tired elephant in the room. Burnout is on the rise - especially for people in roles looking to make change within their organizations, their communities, and the world. The barriers we will face along the way can easily wear us down and have us questioning our own values and work. Nina will work with participants to stay the course and inspire change within ourselves by staying well so we can continue to help others. Gain neuroscience-based strategies for effectively managing stress and fatigue as we embark on noble, but difficult work. Participants will leave the session with 1 Accountability Partner and 1 science backed well-being habit to practice.

  • The Loving Leader: A Praxis for Culture Transformation of the Marketplace

    Jasmine Bellamy, Vice President- Merchandising, Planning & Allocation/ Reebok Community & Culture

    At the intersection of business and organizational culture are people, who’s well-being directly impacts outcomes. According to a study by the Workforce Institute at UKG, almost 70% of people polled across 10 countries responded that “their managers had the greatest impact on their mental health, on par with the impact of their partner” (Forbes) greater than their doctor or therapist. What is apparent is that most managers currently lack the capacity to cultivate the well-being of the people they lead, subsequently creating their own internal opposition to the flourishing of their businesses. With too many marketplace leaders lacking in social, cultural, and emotional intelligence themselves, these staggering statistics are a warning sign and threat to the flourishing of people and the businesses they are affiliated with.

    History informs us that this shouldn’t be a surprise. The “distorted formation” of the marketplace and its underlying values and cultural norms have created tension for the people in them from the onset. The marketplace is in need of transformation and an alternative way of being. Enter, “The Loving Leader: A Praxis for Culture Transformation of the Marketplace” which posits that the durability of love is a greater force than the deformational aspects of late capitalism, and invites leaders to re-imagine and joyfully disrupt current systems, thereby cultivating “new wave” leadership to create new pathways

  • Spend time taking a nourishing brain space break or taking time to connect with others and apply what you’ve learned.

  • Building a Culture Where People C.A.R.E. – The Science Behind Values Based Leadership

    Alex Draper, CEO & Founder at DX Learning

    As culture is a mirror of leadership, its critically important leaders are aligned on what matters most when it comes to what they value and how they show up. Explore the agnostic values proven to build healthier organizations with more cognitive ease - Clarity, Autonomy, Relationships, and Equity®. Participants will explore their own relationship and opportunity to develop their leadership with these values in mind, the science and neuroscience around values-based leadership, and the role of balancing "CARE" in the execution of a healthy culture.

  • Beyond Borders: Leveraging Anthropology to Create High Performance, Multicultural Teams

    Samantha Stilwell, CEO and Business Anthropologist, CultureDynamiq

    When we think about purpose, we're likely thinking about a common and collective why. But what happens when people within your organization or community are viewing your stated values and purpose within the lens of cultural context where your learned approach to work is challenged? As the world opens up for organizations to work, connect and collaborate across borders, leaders and organizations will need to challenge organizational identity and values through a multicultural and multi-national lens. Participants will learn/practice with Sam, a business anthropologist, how to recognize the symptoms of mis-managed cultural diversity in organizations (and beyond!) and develop core skills for working with multinational teams.

  • Lab session, focused on the third phase of the Call for Culture Method: Purpose Alignment

    Mapping Our Collective Values

    Angela R. Howard, CEO at Call for Culture and The Sketch Effect

    Collectively we'll discover and develop the values and beliefs that bind all of us as a community. We'll develop a Credo that will memorialize our collective purpose and ground us as we go back to take action.

  • Break for lunch

  • If It's Happening in the World, It's Happening at Work: The Intersection of Workplace Culture and Social Impact (Panel)

    (Moderator) Payal Beri, Founder of RK Empathy

    Geoffrey Roche, Director, Workforce Development Siemens Healthineers

    Kai Stowers, Principal Consultant, Kai Stowers LLC

    Laura Louise Green, Founder, Healthy Pour

    Ben Frank, Chief Wellness Officer, NAMI Chicago

    The Culture Impact Lab is a real life role model of what we want to emulate in organizations - meeting of the minds across different levels, layers, industries and systems that work together in a broader social system. Join us in discussion with a panel of experts to talk about how the lines are being blurred between the intersection of workplace culture and social impact. We'll discuss:

    1. the backlash around DEI and major issues impacting the rights of marginalized populations

    2. toxic cultures as a public health issue around mental health and industry specific challenges

    3. healthcare + education and the workforce and how this impacts patient care, student experience, health inequities, and education inequities

    4. social issues like prison reform and the impact on our workforce

  • Spend time taking a nourishing brain space break or taking time to connect with others and apply what you’ve learned.

  • The Future of Employee Listening: Improving Experience, Culture, Inclusion, and Performance

    Chris Powell, CEO at Talmetrix

    With the rise and disruption of tech, AI, and digital transformation, participants will learn about tech-enabled channels that deliver real-time feedback and sentiment from employees. Chris will cover how to combine science and practice to measure the unique factors that elevate the employee experience and drive organizational performance effectiveness. Learn about how the future of listening and action is real-time, iterative, and continuous.

  • Seeing the Signals: Developing a Futurist Mindset and Turning Data in Action

    Aparna Rae, Founder at Moving Beyond

    Rob Hadley, Founder and Principal Consultant, Tekano Strategy & Analytics

    Shaping a shift in culture within your organization can often feel impossible. To know how to move the needle forward, in an ever changing world, it’s almost like you need a sixth sense for social change. Futurists often refer to signals and sensemaking as data to better help them become conscious of what's happening around them and what's on the horizon - and so do culture change makers within organizations. This session is aimed at helping you strengthen that sixth signal sense as you prepare to enter the last Lab of the experience focused on roadmapping and action.

  • Leveraging Culture Champions - A Embracing Change & Creating Systemic Solutions - A Case Study at Purdue Northwest (College of Business)

    Kristen Barton, Lead Consultant at Call for Culture

    Angela R Howard, CEO Call for Culture

    Hear from members of the Call for Culture team about how CFC worked with their client, Purdue Northwest (College of Business) to develop a data-backed strategy to implement objective and informed decisions around culture-development and change. Learn about how PNW COB paired action with accountability and sustainability by focusing on key structural and systemic changes versus surface level programming.

  • Lab session, focused on the final stages of Call for Culture Method: Assess, Culture Blueprint, and Tactical Action Planning.

    Develop your Action Plan/Blueprint

    Angela R. Howard, CEO at Call for Culture

    Dr. Rachael Mahmood, Educational Equity Consultant, Equity Teacher Leader

    It's time to get in The Lab! Our time together has led up to this very moment. This will be the last Lab of the experience and a culmination of learning and application. With guidance from Table Guides, participants will finalize their plan of action.

    1. Dr. Rachael Mahmood will take us through a World Cafe exercise to host collective dialogue around learning up until this point to capture the brain trust of the room.

    2. Participants will work on and then pitch their action plan to their tables and Table Guides for feedback and integration.

    3. Participants will identify an accountability partner and set a date for follow-up.

  • Let's wind things down! Hear from closing remarks from the Founder and CEO at Call for Culture and our collective call to action.

    There are several options for transportation.

    You may opt to be placed in a curated walking group, for extra time to connect with other attendees.

    Of course, you are also welcome to rideshare, take public transportation, or walk solo.





If you’re interested in sponsoring our inaugural Culture Impact Lab, view your options and complete the form below.



  • Tabitha Bolen, Program Coordinator

  • Pia Beck, Marketing + Branding

  • Amelia Armstrong, Project + Event Management

  • Angela Howard, Call for Culture Founder

  • Raymond Achille, COO at Call for Culture

  • Jessica Graham, Culture Impact Lab Advisor




To ensure the Lab remains accessible, we have funding and tuition assistance available via a Tuition Grant. We hope to award up to 10 free seats to people who can identify with the following categories:
- Non-Profit or Community Leadership
- Startups or Entrepreneurs in Accelerator Programs
- B-Corps
- Current Students
-Professionals Lacking Organizational Support


The cost of the experience includes:

An all access experience pass to the 2 day event and meals for the duration of the event

($1,200/PP value)


Access to tools, personalized application, and consultation using our Call for Culture Method™ over 2 days

($20,000 organizational value)


Development of a Culture Blueprint or Culture Business Case that can immediately be applied and used within your organization

($30,000 organizational value)


Access to Culture Impact Lab online community for continued learning and application

($500 value annually)


Two-Three 1:1 60 minute coaching/consultation sessions (post May 2024) with the Call for Culture team to see through your challenges and implementation within your organization

($2,000/PP value)


$53,700 value to you and our organization. Here’s what you’ll pay:


Regular registration RATES


2 day lab access + 3 months of implementation coaching. Team rates available.


2 day lab access only. You’ll leave with an action plan to bring back to your organization. Student rates are also available.


Welcome to a new way of thinking about work