Feeling Valued at Work with Laura Sukorokoff

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Managers play a pivotal role in any organization, shaping the work environment, driving employee engagement, and ultimately impacting the bottom line. Yet, too often, the focus on technical expertise overshadows the significance of developing well-rounded managers with strong interpersonal skills.

Join us as we sit down with renowned management expert Laura Sukoroff, who dives deep into the critical role of manager training and the immense value of soft skills in driving business success.

Laura Sukoroff, a respected authority on leadership and talent development, shares her invaluable insights on the importance of investing in manager training programs that prioritize soft skills. Drawing from her vast experience working with diverse industries and teams, Laura emphasizes that a manager's ability to effectively communicate, motivate, and build relationships is the cornerstone of their effectiveness.

Throughout the episode, Laura explores various aspects of soft skills and how they directly contribute to business outcomes. She delves into the art of active listening, empathy, and emotional intelligence, revealing their transformative impact on team dynamics, collaboration, and productivity. She underscores the critical role of self-awareness in fostering a positive work environment and facilitating effective decision-making.

Did you know that only 10% of managers actually possess the skills they need to lead others? That means 9 out of 10 managers really need training. That's where Laura comes in. She provides soft skills training to managers, enabling them to confidently connect with, engage, and inspire their teams to do great work. 

Thanks, as always, for staying tuned to the podcast!

Connect with Laura: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurasukorokoff/

Laura’s book: https://www.cchangelearning.com/it-s-not-them-it-s-you 


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